Hmmm.  Maybe the link could have some javascript that forces a pop-up to
remind you that answers can take awhile?  Just an idea; do what you like.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 11:53 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> Some time ago I created this wiki page:
> The IRC link in the Solr admin UI and a link in the IRC section of the
> Solr community page both point to this wiki page, with the idea that
> users who want to join the IRC channel are presented with some advice
> about how to have a good experience on the IRC channel.  One of the big
> pieces of advice there is that answers may take quite a while, because
> nobody may be looking at the channel right at any given moment.
> Unfortunately, it seems that we still have a LOT of people who pop in,
> ask a question, and disappear a few minutes later.This happened
> tonight.  I happened to look at the channel two minutes after they left,
> but usually I wander in several hours later.
> I was thinking that maybe I could change the freenode web-based IRC
> client links to just URLs that people can't click on.  If somebody who
> wants to join the IRC channel must copy the URL, maybe they'll be more
> likely to see what's written near the URL.  I'm hesitant to actually do
> this, because it's a definite roadblock for novice users.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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