Java: 64bit/jdk-9 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

1 tests failed.

Error Message:
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expected:<6> but was:<10>

Stack Trace:
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\"__bytes__\":1,\n    \"shard\":\"shard1\",\n    
    "requestedOps":["Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"second\":\"shard1\"}]}}"]}}, context={}, config={
    "execute_plan"]}, message='null'}, 
CapturedEvent{timestamp=1230016345611218, stage=STARTED, actionName='null', 
        "{\"core_node10\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":12,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":12,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":12,\n    
\"leader\":\"true\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":25,\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    \"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    
\"__docs__\":25,\n    \"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    
\"node_name\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n    
\"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":25,\n    
\"__bytes__\":1,\n    \"shard\":\"shard2\",\n    
        "{\"core_node7\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":13,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":13,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":13,\n    
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard1_1\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard2\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"second\":\"shard1_0\"}]}}"]}}, context={}, config={
    "execute_plan"]}, message='null'}, 
CapturedEvent{timestamp=1230016463545018, stage=BEFORE_ACTION, 
actionName='compute_plan', event={
        "{\"core_node10\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":12,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":12,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":12,\n    
\"leader\":\"true\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":25,\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    \"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    
\"__docs__\":25,\n    \"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    
\"node_name\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n    
\"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":25,\n    
\"__bytes__\":1,\n    \"shard\":\"shard2\",\n    
        "{\"core_node7\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":13,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":13,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":13,\n    
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard1_1\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard2\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
context={properties.BEFORE_ACTION=[compute_plan], source=index_size_trigger2}, 
    "execute_plan"]}, message='null'}, 
CapturedEvent{timestamp=1230016525769468, stage=AFTER_ACTION, 
actionName='compute_plan', event={
        "{\"core_node10\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":12,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":12,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":12,\n    
\"leader\":\"true\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":25,\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    \"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    
\"__docs__\":25,\n    \"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    
\"node_name\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n    
\"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":25,\n    
\"__bytes__\":1,\n    \"shard\":\"shard2\",\n    
        "{\"core_node7\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":13,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":13,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":13,\n    
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard1_1\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard2\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
 method=GET, params.action=SPLITSHARD, 
params.collection=testSplitIntegration_collection, params.shard=shard1_1}, 
method=GET, params.action=SPLITSHARD, 
params.collection=testSplitIntegration_collection, params.shard=shard2}, 
method=GET, params.action=SPLITSHARD, 
params.collection=testSplitIntegration_collection, params.shard=shard1_0}], 
properties.BEFORE_ACTION=[compute_plan], source=index_size_trigger2, 
properties.AFTER_ACTION=[compute_plan]}, config={
    "execute_plan"]}, message='null'}, 
CapturedEvent{timestamp=1230016546769118, stage=BEFORE_ACTION, 
actionName='execute_plan', event={
        "{\"core_node10\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":12,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":12,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":12,\n    
\"leader\":\"true\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":25,\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    \"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    
\"__docs__\":25,\n    \"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    
\"node_name\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n    
\"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":25,\n    
\"__bytes__\":1,\n    \"shard\":\"shard2\",\n    
        "{\"core_node7\":{\n    \"leader\":\"true\",\n    
\"SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc\":13,\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs\":0,\n    
\"INDEX.sizeInBytes\":1,\n    \"__docs__\":13,\n    
\"violationType\":\"aboveDocs\",\n    \"node_name\":\"\",\n 
   \"base_url\":\"\",\n    \"state\":\"active\",\n   
 \"type\":\"NRT\",\n    \"SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs\":13,\n    
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard1_1\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
\"first\":\"testSplitIntegration_collection\",\n  \"second\":\"shard2\"}]}}",
      "Op{action=SPLITSHARD, hints={COLL_SHARD=[{\n  
 method=GET, params.action=SPLITSHARD, 
params.collection=testSplitIntegration_collection, params.shard=shard1_1}, 
method=GET, params.action=SPLITSHARD, 
params.collection=testSplitIntegration_collection, params.shard=shard2}, 
method=GET, params.action=SPLITSHARD, 
params.collection=testSplitIntegration_collection, params.shard=shard1_0}], 
properties.BEFORE_ACTION=[compute_plan, execute_plan], 
source=index_size_trigger2, properties.AFTER_ACTION=[compute_plan]}, config={
    "execute_plan"]}, message='null'}] expected:<6> but was:<10>
        at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at java.base/

Build Log:
[...truncated 1876 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 290 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 1077 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 254 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 5 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 253 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 162 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 207 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 171 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 170 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 9 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 159 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 167 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 175 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 157 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 19 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 1402 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 254 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 257 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 7 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 232 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 170 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 6 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 232 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 182 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 258 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 166 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 153 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 191 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 304 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 232 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 192 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 23 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 227 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 7 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 323 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 154 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 186 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 5 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 264 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3820 lines...]
   [junit4] Suite:
   [junit4]   2> Creating dataDir: 
   [junit4]   2> 2654886 INFO  
(SUITE-IndexSizeTriggerTest-seed#[B47C9B356043EC6E]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Using PointFields (NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP=true) 
   [junit4]   2> 2654887 INFO  
(SUITE-IndexSizeTriggerTest-seed#[B47C9B356043EC6E]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Randomized ssl (false) and clientAuth (false) via: 
@org.apache.solr.util.RandomizeSSL(reason="", value=0.0/0.0, ssl=0.0/0.0, 
clientAuth=0.0/0.0) w/ MAC_OS_X supressed clientAuth
   [junit4]   2> 2654887 INFO  
(SUITE-IndexSizeTriggerTest-seed#[B47C9B356043EC6E]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 SecureRandom sanity checks: 
test.solr.allowed.securerandom=null &
   [junit4]   2> 2654887 INFO  
(SUITE-IndexSizeTriggerTest-seed#[B47C9B356043EC6E]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.MiniSolrCloudCluster Starting cluster of 2 servers in 
   [junit4]   2> 2654887 INFO  
(SUITE-IndexSizeTriggerTest-seed#[B47C9B356043EC6E]-worker) [    ] 
   [junit4]   2> 2654888 INFO  (Thread-3948) [    ] o.a.s.c.ZkTestServer client 
   [junit4]   2> 2654888 INFO  (Thread-3948) [    ] o.a.s.c.ZkTestServer 
Starting server
   [junit4]   2> 2654891 ERROR (Thread-3948) [    ] o.a.z.s.ZooKeeperServer 
ZKShutdownHandler is not registered, so ZooKeeper server won't take any action 
on ERROR or SHUTDOWN server state changes
   [junit4]   2> 2654998 INFO  
(SUITE-IndexSizeTriggerTest-seed#[B47C9B356043EC6E]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkTestServer start zk server on port:64908
   [junit4]   2> 2655014 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6346-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655020 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.4.10.v20180503; built: 2018-05-03T15:56:21.710Z; git: 
daa59876e6f384329b122929e70a80934569428c; jvm 9+181
   [junit4]   2> 2655020 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.4.10.v20180503; built: 2018-05-03T15:56:21.710Z; git: 
daa59876e6f384329b122929e70a80934569428c; jvm 9+181
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.session DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.session No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.session node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.session DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.session No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.session node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 2655023 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.AbstractConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server Started @2655092ms
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.e.j.s.Server Started @2655092ms
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: {hostContext=/solr, 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: {hostContext=/solr, 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 ERROR (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.u.StartupLoggingUtils Missing Java Option solr.log.dir. Logging may be 
missing or incomplete.
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter Using logger factory 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 ERROR (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.u.StartupLoggingUtils Missing Java Option solr.log.dir. Logging may be 
missing or incomplete.
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter Using logger factory 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter  ___      _       Welcome to Apache Solr™ version 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter  ___      _       Welcome to Apache Solr™ version 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter / __| ___| |_ _   Starting in cloud mode on port null
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter / __| ___| |_ _   Starting in cloud mode on port null
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter \__ \/ _ \ | '_|  Install dir: null
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter \__ \/ _ \ | '_|  Install dir: null
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter |___/\___/_|_|    Start time: 
   [junit4]   2> 2655024 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter |___/\___/_|_|    Start time: 
   [junit4]   2> 2655026 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6349-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655026 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6350-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655027 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter solr.xml found in ZooKeeper. Loading...
   [junit4]   2> 2655027 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter solr.xml found in ZooKeeper. Loading...
   [junit4]   2> 2655038 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkContainer Zookeeper client=
   [junit4]   2> 2655038 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ZkContainer Zookeeper client=
   [junit4]   2> 2655039 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6356-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655040 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6358-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655042 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6360-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655042 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6362-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655227 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Overseer (id=null) closing
   [junit4]   2> 2655228 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Overseer (id=null) closing
   [junit4]   2> 2655229 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.OverseerElectionContext I am going to be 
the leader
   [junit4]   2> 2655230 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-2) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.ZkController Register node as live in 
   [junit4]   2> 2655230 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.Overseer Overseer 
(id=72131969358561285- starting
   [junit4]   2> 2655231 INFO  (zkCallback-6361-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (0) -> (1)
   [junit4]   2> 2655232 INFO  (zkCallback-6359-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (0) -> (1)
   [junit4]   2> 2655242 INFO  (zkConnectionManagerCallback-6371-thread-1) [    
] o.a.s.c.c.ConnectionManager zkClient has connected
   [junit4]   2> 2655244 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from 
ZooKeeper... (0) -> (1)
   [junit4]   2> 2655246 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.s.i.ZkClientClusterStateProvider Cluster 
at ready
   [junit4]   2> 2655248 DEBUG 
 [    ] o.a.s.c.a.OverseerTriggerThread Adding .auto_add_replicas and 
.scheduled_maintenance triggers
   [junit4]   2> 2655249 DEBUG 
 [    ] o.a.s.c.a.OverseerTriggerThread Refreshing /autoscaling.json with znode 
version 1
   [junit4]   2> 2655250 DEBUG 
 [    ] o.a.s.c.a.OverseerTriggerThread Current znodeVersion 1, 
lastZnodeVersion -1
   [junit4]   2> 2655250 DEBUG 
 [    ] o.a.s.c.a.OverseerTriggerThread Processed trigger updates upto 
znodeVersion 1
   [junit4]   2> 2655251 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.TransientSolrCoreCacheDefault Allocating 
transient cache for 2147483647 transient cores
   [junit4]   2> 2655251 INFO  (jetty-launcher-6343-thread-1) 
[n:    ] o.a.s.c.ZkController Register node as live in 
   [junit4]   2> 2655254 INFO  (zkCallback-6359-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (1) -> (2)
   [junit4]   2> 2655254 INFO  (zkCallback-6361-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (1) -> (2)
   [junit4]   2> 2655255 INFO  (zkCallback-6370-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.c.ZkStateReader Updated live nodes from ZooKeeper... (1) -> (2)
   [junit4]   2> 2655260 DEBUG 

[...truncated too long message...]

 in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 1278 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 655 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 564 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 6 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 570 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 670 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 568 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 607 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 3 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 557 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 34307 lines...]
[repro] Jenkins log URL:

[repro] Revision: 3dc4fa199c175ed6351f66bac5c23c73b4e3f89a

[repro] Ant options: "-Dargs=-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
[repro] Repro line:  ant test  -Dtestcase=IndexSizeTriggerTest 
-Dtests.method=testSplitIntegration -Dtests.seed=B47C9B356043EC6E 
-Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=en-LR -Dtests.timezone=America/Santarem 
-Dtests.asserts=true -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8

[repro] ant clean

[...truncated 6 lines...]
[repro] Test suites by module:
[repro]    solr/core
[repro]       IndexSizeTriggerTest
[repro] ant compile-test

[...truncated 3325 lines...]
[repro] ant test-nocompile -Dtests.dups=5 -Dtests.maxfailures=5 
-Dtests.class="*.IndexSizeTriggerTest" -Dtests.showOutput=onerror 
"-Dargs=-XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" 
-Dtests.seed=B47C9B356043EC6E -Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=en-LR 
-Dtests.timezone=America/Santarem -Dtests.asserts=true 

[...truncated 60 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J1: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J1 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J1: EOF ----

[...truncated 7 lines...]
   [junit4] JVM J0: stderr was not empty, see: 
   [junit4] >>> JVM J0 emitted unexpected output (verbatim) ----
   [junit4] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option 
UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in 
a future release.
   [junit4] <<< JVM J0: EOF ----

[...truncated 21 lines...]
[repro] Failures:
[repro]   0/5 failed:
[repro] Exiting with code 0

[...truncated 70 lines...]
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