Hello -

     Please let me know if this question is more appropriate of the user
list. I had assumed the developer list was more appropriate since the ticket
is still open.  I was analyzing the comments on
LUCENE-3097<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-3097>and had
a couple of questions.

a small thread that mentioned that all documents in a given group
would need to be contiguous and in the same segment. Also - a statement was
made that ' The app would have to ensure this'. I was unclear the result of
this conversation. It sounded like maybe this could have turned out to not
be the case. What is the status of this? Does my application have to ensure
all the documents in the group are in the same segment? How would one
accomplish this?

that 'we pick only the head doc...as long as the head doc is
guaranteed to have the same value for field X, it safe to use that doc to
represent the entire group for facet counting'.  Does this mean that there
is a restriction placed on me that the head document must have field values
that match the rest of the documents in the same group? Or is this simply an
implementation detail that uses the head document when this condition is the
case or chooses another strategy when this is not the case?

     I am very interested in adopting this patch. However - I am attempting
to understand any limitations/conditions so that I may use it correctly. Any
advice would be greatly appreciated.


Josh Harness

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