The CHANGES.txt file in both the Solr and Lucene directories have a
section listing the differences between every Solr version, major and
minor that you could review. The reference guide has an upgrade
section as well that will be informative.

That said, there are many changes. Lot and lots and lots. What I'd do
is plan on starting with a fresh Solr 7x setup, migrate your
configurations (as in make similar changes in the 7x configs, do not
just copy/paste). and start testing after indexing fresh. You haven't
said whether you have any custom code and the like, so that is an

On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 6:28 AM hello hello <> wrote:
> Bonjour ,
> I am a project manager at La Poste française , I am managing a national 
> project using SORL 4.9 and I want to migrate to SOLR 7 .
> Can you give me a summary of all the spots that need to be done to make this 
> migration? Thank oyu your for help Fred

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