we're at the process of testing Solr for its indexing speed which is very 
impotent to our application.
we've witnessed strange behavior that we wish to understand before using it.
when we indexed 1M docs it took about 63 seconds but when we indexed the same 
documents only now we've nested them as 1000 parented with 1000 child documents 
each, it took only 27 seconds.

we know that Lucene don't support nested documents for it has a flat object 
model, and we do see that in fact it does index each of the child documents as 
a separate document.

we have tests shows that we get the same results in case we index all documents 
flat (without childs) or when we index them as 1000 parents with 1000 nested 
documents each.

do we miss something here?
why does it behave like that?
what kind of constraints does child documents have, or what is the price we pay 
to get this better index speed?
we're trying to establish if this is a valid way to get a better performance in 
index speed..

any help will be appreciated.

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