Welcome Mike, great to have you on board! 👮🗂️📇


Am May 13, 2019 7:23:18 PM UTC schrieb Michael Sokolov <msoko...@gmail.com>:
>Thanks Dawid, and thank you to everyone who voted to grant me access
>to this awesome project!
>I spent many years building full text search web applications serving
>large texts (especially dictionaries, encyclopedias, and academic
>journals). I cut my teeth with AltaVista back in 1998, and tried many
>other search engines before finally coming around to Solr/Lucene.
>I am pretty sure my first interaction with the Apache Solr/Lucene
>community was back in 2012, when I was looking to solve a performance
>problem we encountered highlighting gigantic documents. Since then
>I've worked on many projects involving Solr and Lucene, and
>ElasticSearch, and made various contributions, implemented some of my
>own extensions, made a separate XML query engine based on Solr (Lux -
>no longer active), went to a few Lucene/Solr Revolutions (spoke at
>one), and always in the back of my mind was the idea of contributing
>more actively and becoming a full participant in this thriving open
>source project. Now I'm really excited that has come to pass, and look
>forward to digging in even deeper, and helping to keep this thing
>On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 3:12 PM Dawid Weiss <dawid.we...@gmail.com>
>> Hello everyone,
>> Please join me in welcoming Michael Sokolov as Lucene/ Solr
>> Many of you probably know Mike as he's been around for quite a while
>> -- answering questions, reviewing patches, providing insight and
>> actively working on new code.
>> Congratulations and welcome! It is a tradition to introduce yourself
>> with a brief bio, Mike.
>> Dawid
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Uwe Schindler
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