    I create a new core dynamically with


    Before creating the solr.xml is

* <solr persistent="true">*
*    <core name="collection1" instanceDir="." shard="shard1"/>*
*    </cores>*
* </solr>*

     After creating, the solr.xml becomes

<solr persistent="true">
  <cores defaultCoreName="collection1" adminPath="/admin/cores"
zkClientTimeout="10000" hostPort="8983" hostContext="solr">
    <core shard="shard2" instanceDir=".\" name="mycore"
dataDir="\example2\solr\data" collection="collection1"/>
    <core shard="shard2" instanceDir=".\" name="mycore"
dataDir="\example2\solr\data" collection="collection1"/>

the new core is added twice and the old one information is missed. Can any
one exmplain why this happens? Is there any error in my operation?


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