There's still a lot of questions up in the air, and it's going to take some
time to make the necessary decisions/changes. This shouldn't affect the 8.5

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 6:08 AM Alan Woodward <> wrote:

> Is the release of the docker image going to be part of the standard
> Lucene/Solr release process? I ask because I’m planning on starting an 8.5
> release next week, and I know nothing about Docker images...
> On 25 Feb 2020, at 16:04, David Smiley <> wrote:
> I wonder what official information ASF provides on this matter.  I did
> some searching and found this page:
> (see "Docker" heading) which was nicely short and to the point but doesn't
> seem to answer.  "DRAFT" 4 times is at the top of this page.  And it
> doesn't address all questions.  I wonder about Houston's point as well; I'm
> not sure we can simply update an image just because the JAR files didn't
> change.  Maybe; maybe not.
> ~ David Smiley
> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 10:35 AM Jan Høydahl <>
> wrote:
>> I think se are not technically re-releasing Solr 8.4 even if that
>> official docker image gets re-built with latest versions of Ubuntu and
>> JRE11 when re release e.g. 8.5.
>> The Apache Solr/Lucene binaries are still the exact same bits, we just
>> change the base image — equivalent to upgrading Linux and Java on physical
>> servers.
>> Of course there could be bugs manifested with a certain combination of
>> Linux + JRE + Solr that potentially would cause solr:x.y to break further
>> down the road, that the simple shell tests run during release might not
>> catch.
>> Jan
>> 25. feb. 2020 kl. 16:13 skrev Houston Putman <>:
>> I have a separate question about the release process. As I currently
>> understand it, whenever docker-solr is released, every version in its
>> configs
>> <>
>>  is
>> rebuilt and re-released. This means that versions of the docker-solr images
>> are not necessarily concrete, whereas the versions of solr are very
>> concrete.
>> I imagine that by taking over the docker image as an official Apache
>> image, this re-releasing of versions will no longer be allowed. That makes
>> me think that adding a docker publishing step in the release process is
>> necessary. There will also need to be extensive testing of that docker
>> image in that process because we won't be able to retroactively fix issues
>> anymore.
>> If Apache is more relaxed about re-releasing the same version, then this
>> is less of an issue.
>> - Houston
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 9:42 AM Jan Høydahl <>
>> wrote:
>>> I propose we continue to work with the existing docker-solr repo for
>>> some time still, until we fully understand how we want to proceed with
>>> moving to ASF owned git infra and hub accounts.
>>> I feel that some work should have higher priority for now:
>>> - Document running Solr on Docker in Ref Guide
>>> - Start thinking about how to include Docker image publishing in the
>>> release process
>>> - Adding a simplistic Dockerfile to our main git repo and a gradle task
>>> for building
>>> - Update the README in docker-solr repo to reflect the new ownership
>>> Some of these could be sub tasks of SOLR-14168.
>>> Other thoughts?
>>> Jan
>>> 12. jan. 2020 kl. 04:46 skrev David Smiley <>:
>>> > Yes, it should be easy to build a docker image «from source», or at
>>> least as a gradle build task. That could piggy-back on the distro tgz file
>>> which should make it not too different - we just pull the release from
>>> local disk instead of from the mirrors.
>>> We do this at Salesforce in our local Lucene_Solr fork to also produce a
>>> docker image.  It's not a big deal but I could share it if we want to
>>> consider going this direction.  It's kinda necessary if we want to release
>>> this all at once instead of requiring a 'tgz' be released first, which in
>>> turn somewhat requires some signatures of that binary that then become
>>> irrelevant to check when producing the Docker image.  It's also super nice
>>> for those who fork Solr to also produce a Docker image easily (like us).
>>> ~ David Smiley
>>> Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer
>>> On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 5:45 PM Jan Høydahl <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 1. Are we allowed to maintain ASF code in a non-ASF repo? If not, how
>>>> do we transition to
>>>> an ASF git repo?
>>>>     * Can it be a sub folder in our main repo or does it need to be a
>>>> separate repo?
>>>> The way it works (from the official library’s point of view), is that
>>>> we maintain
>>>> which
>>>> contains a link to a repo (in our case
>>>> and particular git
>>>> commit, and a particular directory for different versions. That is consumed
>>>> by their build infrastructure. The library team reviews changes we make to
>>>> that file, and the corresponding changes we made to the Dockerfiles and
>>>> bash scripts in the docker-solr repo, so it needs to be readily available
>>>> and it needs to be easy to see what has changed.
>>>> I think one could theoretically move this into the main Solr repo and
>>>> point to its GitHub address, but that would make things slower and much
>>>> harder to review. So I think it’s much better to keep the separate repo. I
>>>> briefly looked for some official guidance on this, but couldn’t find it
>>>> spelled out explicitly. I did see
>>>> which
>>>> talks about maintaining git history.
>>>> Note also that I already use a “docker-solr” GitHub org for the repo,
>>>> rather than my own account, to make it easier to vary ownership.
>>>> If you are dead-set to put it into the main repo, I’d run that
>>>> discussion past the library team first before sinking engineering time.
>>>> I just discovered - which is Apache’s
>>>> own docker org. I see some images there are hosted in separate apache git
>>>> repos, example CouchDB: pushed
>>>> to - and
>>>> (official). The source of both hub
>>>> locations seems to be the same apache/couchdb-docker git repo. I see that
>>>> the person who files PRs aginst the official image repo is Joan Touzet (
>>>> who is a CouchDB committer. Perhpas
>>>> this is a model for us to follow.
>>>> We may also want to consult LEGAL-503
>>>> <>
>>>>  where
>>>> the Beam project asked a similar question a few weeks ago, and the reply 
>>>> is:
>>>> *if you would like to continue linking to the Docker release artifact
>>>> from the <> you will have:*
>>>> *1. Transition to the official ASF dockerhub org:
>>>> <>*
>>>> *2. Start including that binary convenience artifact into your VOTE
>>>> threads on Beam releases*
>>>> *3. Make sure that all Cat-X licenses are ONLY brought into your
>>>> container via FROM statements*
>>>> So bullet point #1 there answers this question. Regarding point #2 and
>>>> #3 see below.
>>>> 2. How will the current build/test/publish process need to change?
>>>>     * Can we continue using travis for CI?
>>>> In the short term, sure.
>>>> Travis has been great for us — it is free, it builds fast enough, the
>>>> UI is nice, the config is simple, the integration is good, and support was
>>>> helpful.
>>>> Last year Travis CI got acquired, followed by layoffs of senior
>>>> engineering staff, so there are concerns about its future, but nothing has
>>>> really changed to affect us.
>>>> I imagine it would be nicer to have it in the normal Apache Jenkins
>>>> world, but I’m not volunteering for that migration. :-)
>>>> If we want to stay on Travis, there may be some configuration changes
>>>> required (roles/permissions/credentials and such that are tied to my
>>>> account).
>>>> Oh and just to make it clear: the CI does 2 things:
>>>> - it sets build status on GitHub commits (although there is currently
>>>> no enforcement to allow only passing PRs to be merged or things like that,
>>>> or have review/automerge workflows which would be nice to have)
>>>> - and it pushes builds to the
>>>> repo —
>>>> but those are only used for testing, they are not the docker images that
>>>> provide the official images. I've found that occasionally useful, but we
>>>> could decide to not do that, or do it differently within the Apache
>>>> infrastructure.
>>>> So I see other ASF projects using travis as well, perhaps ASF has an
>>>> account/license? If we continue to use it or if we migrate to Jenkins, we
>>>> either way need to run the build and test and then push builds to the
>>>> Apache Docker Hub repository space (making the image pull’able with docker
>>>> pull apache/solr:tag
>>>> The actual producing of official image will be yet another PR to the
>>>> docker owned official-images repo.
>>>>     * Should publishing of new Docker be a RM responsibility, or
>>>> something that happens right
>>>> after each release like the ref-guide?
>>>> I don’t have a strong opinion. I typically tried to do it as soon as I
>>>> became aware of a new version via the solr-user mailing list or twitter.
>>>> Sometimes same day, sometimes it would take a week because of changes I
>>>> need to make or extra things I wanted to do.
>>>> But if I’m more than a few days late someone would be asking about it
>>>> :-)
>>>> The official library team review is usually very fast, same day or 24h.
>>>> See point #2 from LEGAL-503 above. If we want to officially document /
>>>> endorse / link to the image on hub we may want to include the docker image
>>>> in the VOTE. I see that the Beam project includes this in their
>>>> release-guide (publishing SDK images):
>>>> What they do is
>>>> that push a RC tagged version to their docker-hub as part of the release
>>>> and include it in the VOTE.
>>>> 3. Legal stuff - when we as a project file a PR to update the official
>>>> solr docker images,
>>>> are we then legally releasing a binary version of Solr?
>>>>     Technically it is Docker CI that build and publish the images, we
>>>> just initiate it…
>>>> I don’t know about that (or how that matters?)
>>>> Oh, legal stuff matters a lot for Apache :) Again, I think LEGAL-503
>>>> answers this. Bullet #3 there requres the project to make sure that our
>>>> Dockerfile does not bring in Cat-X licensed software into the Docker layers
>>>> built by us. Since we base our image on the ‘openjdk’ base image, which
>>>> contains GNU/Linux binaries and the JDK, the only things we'd need to
>>>> verify is what we bring into our Docker layers through apt-get, wget etc.
>>>> Below is a list of what I found:
>>>> acl - GPL - provides tool setfacl, used only in tests, can be removed?
>>>> dirmngr, gpg - GPL - used only during docker build phase, may be apt
>>>> install and uninstalled in the same RUN command
>>>> lsof - BSD license
>>>> procps - GPL - provides the ‘ps’ command needed by bin/solr. This is
>>>> part of openjdk:11 but not openjdk:11-slim...
>>>> wget - GPL - used during build only, can be uninstalled after use
>>>> netcat - PublicDomain
>>>> gosu - GPL - can be removed or replaced with su-exec (MIT)
>>>> tini - MIT
>>>>     Do we know any other ASF project that maintain their own official
>>>> docker image?
>>>> I've looked at
>>>> and
>>>> spotted which is maintained
>>>> by an Apache committer.
>>>> So couchDB is another example. And there are so many other projects in
>>>> Apache’s docker-hub org that I suppose there may be others.
>>>> Marcus wrote:
>>>> I think that regardless of what the community decides to do with the
>>>> docker-solr repo, a good first step would be to add a Docker folder to
>>>> the
>>>> Apache repository that contains a base Dockerfile and a README. In that
>>>> README, users can be directed to the location of the docker-solr repo,
>>>> wherever that may be, or leverage the Dockerfile in the  Apache repo as
>>>> a
>>>> starting point for building their own image.
>>>> I think that could be useful; but it then does start to become messy
>>>> almost immediately: Users will expect these self-built images and the
>>>> official images to work the same, and given that docker-solr has various
>>>> extra scripts (eg to create collections at startup), you’d then have to
>>>> copy them into the repo (and now have duplicate maintenance, need to test
>>>> them). Or you could explicitly decide not to do that, but then your users
>>>> will be asking how to achieve the same functionality with their images.
>>>> I would address this as a separate issue. Let’s get the existing image
>>>> flow taken care of first.
>>>> Yes, it should be easy to build a docker image «from source», or at
>>>> least as a gradle build task. That could piggy-back on the distro tgz file
>>>> which should make it not too different - we just pull the release from
>>>> local disk instead of from the mirrors.
>>>> I also saw some projects that have Jenkins routinely publish SNAPSHOT
>>>> releases to docker-hub, see e.g.
>>>> which is also nice if we
>>>> want to have people test out things with unreleased versions or master
>>>> branch, then it is always only a docker run command away :)
>>>> Well, I hope other committers also join this discussion and bring
>>>> perhaps other points of view here before we start fleshing out actual JIRA
>>>> tasks to add to
>>>> If we end up releasing official Solr Docker images together with the
>>>> normal release, it would be cool to add documentation to the RefGuide and
>>>> perhaps tutorial, on how to run Solr with Docker.
>>>> Jan

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