Greetings everyone. I would be interested to help transition Solr from SysV
to systemd.

Before coming here I've done a rudimentary search on the bug tracker to see
systemd related issues.
It is a 2017 issue supporting the same change. With a linked systemd
service file in the comment section, which I'll come back to.[1]
As we would not be calling SysV scripts directly this wouldn't be an issue
anymore, as systemd already knows the given service has stopped and
wouldn't need to call the ExecStop command anymore.
Based on the last comment this issue seems fixed, but not marked as such in
the tracker? While not necessarily up there on my list, the advantage of
running Solr in the foreground would simplify Solr log access via

While trying out Solr 8.5.0 on CentOS 8 a few days ago I've noticed that
there are a couple of hoops one has to jump through to get the service to
start via SysV (issues that are just not present with systemd).

Systemd generates automated service files as wrappers for SysV scripts, and
that's the case for Solr as well.

*"Apr 15 12:52:14 localhost.localdomain solr[9084]: /etc/rc.d/init.d/solr:
line 75: su: command not found"*

The first issue I've had is that for some reason the su command path is not
resolved. su is located in /bin and /usr/bin, both are defined in $PATH if
I print it out from within the init.d/solr file. Patched manually by
specifying an absolute path.

Then I had a couple of SELinux violations, for which I had to run a series
of systemctl start solr, audit2allow -a -M, semodule -i until I've managed
to generate a type enforcement policy that would allow Solr to start. The
resulting TE file:

module solrsu 1.0;
require {
  type lastlog_t;
  type su_exec_t;
  type init_t;
  class file { execute execute_no_trans getattr lock map open read write };
  class passwd rootok;
#============= init_t ==============
allow init_t lastlog_t:file lock;
allow init_t lastlog_t:file { open read write };
allow init_t self:passwd rootok;
allow init_t su_exec_t:file { execute execute_no_trans getattr map open
read };

For someone familiar with SELinux they might see that a large part of the
policy has to deal with the su execution by an init script.
Of course with systemd, none of this SELinux wizardry is required, as - for
better or worse - systemd runs with GODMODE cheats.

[1] Back to the initial service file, alternatively I propose the following
base service file.

Description=Apache SOLR

ExecStart=/opt/solr/bin/solr start
ExecStop=/opt/solr/bin/solr stop


We don't need all those Before/After/Conflicts, users can customize further
the service via systemd drop-ins

Specify Type=forking and remove PIDFile. Systemd can guess the PIDFile just
fine as Solr spawns a single process. Also, I had issues with the PIDFile
and permissions, I didn't want to debug further :)

TimeoutSec= set to 180 seconds. Wait for start/stop the same amount in
systemd as the solr bin is enough as it's the equivalent of runlevel 3
and (runlevel 5) inherits already services of lower targets

I've included the LimitNOFILE/LimitNPROC directives, as it is already a
suggestion that shows up during startup and why not set up suggested

Is there any opposition to this change? And how can I help to move it

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