Wow Ilan! This is very comprehensive!

Regarding your list of potential bugs, I can confirm that at least two of
those are accurate and I've seen them in production. We found work-arounds
and got distracted before creating JIRAs, and this was a great reminder of
those war stories.

I think this would be a great addition to dev-docs/ and a link from the
Overseer Javadoc to this file would be reasonable.

I hope to have time to dive into this deeper next week.


On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 2:36 PM David Smiley <> wrote:

> Thanks Ilan!
> I especially love the lead section "Overseer: from queues to state" with
> the diagram.  Indeed, this is the documentation I (we?) wished already
> existed.  I'd like to try to ensure this part of the document is more
> tightly associated with our project for others to see.
> This is "developer documentation".  Cassandra:  I see you created
> solr/dev-docs/ and I suppose this would best belong there?  Mark Miller had
> tried Confluence.  Pros/cons there.  I want to ensure readers of the code
> in Overseer (and maybe other key class or two) notice this dev
> documentation.  Should I add a http link to the GitHub location of the dev
> doc markdown, or do you recommend something else?
> For the rest of the doc, there are problem call-outs (picture of a
> triangle hazard with an exclamation point) -- readers can't miss them.   I
> hope those of us that know SolrCloud internals best can look at those
> points closer and maybe file JIRA issues.  That isn't me, honestly.
> I've been thinking that some of these problems might best be fixed by
> larger architectural changes rather than incrementally fixing a design with
> substantial weaknesses (and tech-debt complexities).  Noble/Ishan's
> SOLR-13951 <> issue
> "Avoid replica state updates to state.json" will help a lot but there will
> be much more to be done to address Solr's over-reliance on the Overseer to
> accomplish collection/cluster management. This is something I want to
> contemplate more.  I hope Curator recipes may be a source of inspiration,
> which I plan to review this weekend.
> (note: I work with Ilan)
> ~ David
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 5:06 PM Ilan Ginzburg <> wrote:
>> Hello Solr devs,
>> This is my first post here. I work at Salesforce in France, we're
>> adopting SolrCloud and we need it to scale more than it currently
>> does.
>> I've looked at Overseer and documented my understanding. I'm sharing
>> the result, it might help others and is a way to get feedback (I might
>> have misunderstood some things) and/or collaboration on continuing
>> documenting the implementation. Basically I started writing the doc I
>> wanted to find.
>> In the process, I believe I've identified what may be a few bugs
>> (there's a section listing them at the beginning). I've found these by
>> reading code (not running code), so take with a grain of salt.
>> I plan to file Jiras for those bugs that do seem real and are
>> important enough, and then also start working on some to help
>> fix/improve.
>> This is WIP. Please do not hesitate to provide feedback/leave comments.
>> Thanks,
>> Ilan
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