In the SortedDocValues.lookupOrd documentation it says that a deep
copy is needed for the returned BytesRef. I wanted to verify that this
was actually true. I'm

trying to see a way that this BytesRef could be safely reused by the
API but I don't see one. Is there actually an implementation of
lookupOrd that somehow reuses the

same BytesRef between invocations. The java doc is copied below:


/** Retrieves the value for the specified ordinal. The returned
 * {@link BytesRef} may be re-used across calls to {@link #lookupOrd(int)}
 * so make sure to {@link BytesRef#deepCopyOf(BytesRef) copy it} if you want
 * to keep it around.
 * @param ord ordinal to lookup (must be >= 0 and < {@link
 * @see #ordValue()
public abstract BytesRef lookupOrd(int ord) throws IOException;

Joel Bernstein

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