> IMHO this vote is invalid because...
> it doesn’t include the red / orange variants submitted by Dustin Haver

I considered the latest submission by Dustin Haver to be his submission,
but I can see how some might like the other better and it should have been
part of the vote.

> I propose to restart the VOTE to include all submissions.

Given that I omitted the submission above, that seems reasonable. And since
we are restarting, I guess we can allow Baris to add in an entry.

Baris, please add your entry to the jira issue. I will restart the vote
next week.

> If we're going to have more options, I suggest we use "ranked voting"

I considered rank voting, but tallying a rank vote by hand can be
incredibly tedious. I don't think we should use any external tools since
that prohibits verification on who is voting from the PMC. However, given
the lastingness of this decision, I guess it is fair to do the necessary
harder tallying work of rank choice voting over email. When I restart the
vote, I will give instructions on making multiple selections.

So, consider this vote CLOSED and VOID.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 8:27 AM David Smiley <david.w.smi...@gmail.com>

> If we're going to have more options, I suggest we use "ranked voting":
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting
> If you create a Google Form based submission which supports a ranked
> choice input, then this should make it probably not hard to tally the
> results correctly.  A PMC boolean would be helpful too.
> ~ David
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 11:14 AM Andrzej Białecki <a...@getopt.org> wrote:
>> IMHO this vote is invalid because it doesn’t include all submissions
>> linked to that issue. Specifically, it doesn’t include the red / orange
>> variants submitted by Dustin Haver (which I personally prefer over the
>> sickly green ones … ;) )
>> I propose to restart the VOTE to include all submissions.
>> On 17 Jun 2020, at 17:04, Adrien Grand <jpou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A. (PMC) I like that it retains the same idea as our current logo with a
>> more modern look.
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 4:58 PM Andi Vajda <o...@ovaltofu.org> wrote:
>>> C. (current logo)
>>> Andi.. (pmc)
>>> On Jun 15, 2020, at 15:08, Ryan Ernst <r...@iernst.net> wrote:
>>> Dear Lucene and Solr developers!
>>> In February a contest was started to design a new logo for Lucene [1].
>>> That contest concluded, and I am now (admittedly a little late!) calling a
>>> vote.
>>> The entries are labeled as follows:
>>> A. Submitted by Dustin Haver [2]
>>> B. Submitted by Stamatis Zampetakis [3] Note that this has several
>>> variants. Within the linked entry there are 7 patterns and 7 color
>>> palettes. Any vote for B should contain the pattern number, like B1 or B3.
>>> If a B variant wins, we will have a followup vote on the color palette.
>>> C. The current Lucene logo [4]
>>> Please vote for one of the three (or nine depending on your
>>> perspective!) above choices. Note that anyone in the Lucene+Solr community
>>> is invited to express their opinion, though only Lucene+Solr PMC cast
>>> binding votes (indicate non-binding votes in your reply, please). This vote
>>> will close one week from today, Mon, June 22, 2020.
>>> Thanks!
>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-9221
>>> [2]
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12999548/Screen%20Shot%202020-04-10%20at%208.29.32%20AM.png
>>> [3]
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12997768/zabetak-1-7.pdf
>>> [4]
>>> https://lucene.apache.org/theme/images/lucene/lucene_logo_green_300.png
>> --
>> Adrien

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