The default suffix in this system prop is "SNAPSHOT" and the timestamp comes 
then from Maven's internal Logic, this cannot be changed.

By overriding the suffix explicit (as said before and find by Jenkins) you 
convert it to an official "release" in Maven's sense and it is no longer a 
snapshot. So you are free with versioning.


Am May 20, 2021 1:15:12 PM UTC schrieb Uwe Schindler <>:
>Jenkins does this already:
>It uses build number!
>The system property "version suffix" is responsible and is set by
>Jenkins. See in command line: [Lucene-Artifacts-main] $
>-Dversion.suffix=jenkins242 assemble
>Am May 20, 2021 12:25:48 PM UTC schrieb Michael Sokolov
>>In principal it makes sense, but is there any chance the build
>>could vary for the same SHA? We hope not, I think, but stranger things
>>happened. Probably an edge case not worth worrying about though, and
>>relying on the build server's clock doesn't seem great, so +1 from me,
>>although I don't use these so my interest is mostly theoretical.
>>On Thu, May 20, 2021, 8:20 AM Alan Woodward <>
>>> Hi all,
>>> I’m preparing a local lucene 9.0 snapshot build and I notice that
>>> files generated by `./gradlew mavenToLocalFolder` are called
>>something like
>>> `lucene-suggest-9.0.0-20210520.111833-1-javadoc.jar` - in other
>>words, they
>>> are including a timestamp.  For my setup I’d like to replace this
>>with the
>>> git SHA of the commit the snapshot is based on.  So I have two
>>> 1) Is there a simple override or gradle property that I can pass on
>>> command line that will change the output names of artefacts?
>>> 2) I think in general commit SHAs are better than timestamps for
>>> names - two identical snapshots taken from identical sources at
>>> times shouldn’t really have different names.  Should we look at
>>> the existing snapshot generation code to switch to using SHAs?
>>> - Alan
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>Uwe Schindler
>Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

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