In that case, maybe "Range Logic Faceting" ?

Relation seems too broad and too overloaded elsewhere, makes me think of
RDBMS, related-ness, joins and such via word associations.

On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 3:27 PM Greg Miller <> wrote:

> Thank for the suggestion! I like the descriptiveness of it. My only
> hesitation is that is supports more than range intersection based on the
> provided QueryType instance (e.g., within, contains). I _imagine_ that
> intersection will be most common, but I don’t really know of course. I
> thought about generalizing your suggestion to something like “Range
> Relation Faceting,” but fear that would be confusing.
> Thanks again!
> Cheers,
> -Greg
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 10:19 Gus Heck <> wrote:
>> Maybe "Range Intersect Faceting"?
>> On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 1:11 PM Greg Miller <> wrote:
>>> Folks-
>>> Naming is hard! (But you all know that already).
>>> Marc D'Mello and I have been working on a new faceting implementation
>>> that's meant to complement Lucene's existing range-relation queries (e.g.,
>>> LongRange#newIntersectsQuery, DoubleRange#newContainsQuery,
>>> LongRangeDocValuesField#newSlowIntersectsQuery, etc.). Well, I should say
>>> Marc is working on the change and I'm just providing nit-picky feedback on
>>> his PR, which is here: The
>>> general idea of this feature is to allow users to get facet counts for
>>> these sorts of range-relation filters before they're applied. For example,
>>> if a user is indexing ranges with their documents, they may have a set of
>>> query-ranges they want to facet on, based on some range relationship (e.g.,
>>> intersection, contains, etc.).
>>> As a concrete example, imagine that documents contain a price range
>>> (maybe a document represents some e-commerce product but the price varies
>>> based on some configuration options), and a user wants to build a price
>>> range filter that applies filtering based on whether-or-not the two ranges
>>> intersect (i.e., DoubleRange#newIntersectsQuery to apply a price range
>>> filter). This user wants faceting capabilities over the different
>>> price ranges they want to make available, so they need a way to facet over
>>> a list of provided query-ranges, based on the "intersect" relationship with
>>> the doc-encoded ranges. That's what Marc's "RangeOnRange" faceting is
>>> trying to accomplish.
>>> In my opinion, the PR is really close to being ready (thanks again
>>> Marc!), but I'm wondering if we can come up with a more descriptive name.
>>> As it currently stands, the feature is termed "RangeOnRange Faceting,"
>>> which feels just a bit wonky to me. That said, I can't really come up with
>>> anything better.
>>> ** Does anyone have suggestions on a better name? **
>>> Any / all suggestions appreciated! (And of course, any other input on
>>> the PR is welcome if anyone is interested).
>>> Cheers,
>>> -Greg
>> --
>> (work)
>> (play)

-- (work) (play)

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