On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 12:49 PM Michael Froh <msf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was looking into a customer issue where they noticed some increased GC time 
> after upgrading from Lucene 7.x to 9.x. After taking some heap dumps from 
> both systems, the big difference was tracked down to the float[256] allocated 
> (as a norms cache) when creating a BM25Scorer (in BM25Similarity.scorer()).
> The change seems to have come in with 
> https://github.com/apache/lucene/commit/8fd7ead940f69a892dfc951a1aa042e8cae806c1,
>  which removed some of the special-case logic around the "non-scoring 
> similarity" embedded in IndexSearcher (returned in the false case from the 
> old IndexSearcher#scorer(boolean needsScores)).
> While I really like that we no longer have that special-case logic in 
> IndexSearcher, we now have the issue that every time we create a new 
> TermWeight (or other Weight) it allocates a float[256], even if the 
> TermWeight doesn't need scores. Also, I think it's the exact same float[256] 
> for all non-scoring weights, since it's being computed using the same "all 
> 1s" CollectionStatistics and TermStatistics.
> (For the record, yes, the queries in question have an obscene number of 
> TermQueries, so 1024 bytes times lots of TermWeights, times multiple queries 
> running concurrently makes lots of heap allocation.)
> I'd like to submit a patch to fix this, but I'm wondering what approach to 
> take. One option I'm considering is precomputing a singleton float[256] for 
> the non-scoring case (where CollectionStatistics and TermStatistics are all 
> 1s). That would have the least functional impact, but would let all 
> non-scoring clauses share the same array. Is there a better way to tackle 
> this?

This seems ok if it isn't invasive. I still feel like something is
"off" if you are seeing GC time from 1KB-per-segment allocation. Do
you have way too many segments?

Originally (for various similar reasons) there was a place in the API
to do this, so it would only happen per-Weight instead of per-Scorer,
which was the SimWeight that got eliminated by the commit you point
to. But I'd love if we could steer clear of that complexity:
simplifying the API here was definitely the right move. Its been more
than 5 years since this change was made, and this is the first
complaint i've heard about the 1KB, which is why i asked about your

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