On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 5:28 AM, Nick Wellnhofer <wellnho...@aevum.de> wrote:
> On Jun 8, 2016, at 03:02 , Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
>> Over time, we should try to make decisions that consolidate as much of build
>> code as possible in a shared central system (i.e. charmonizer/make for the
>> foreseeable future).  Even if that code eventually gets refactored, it's only
>> one task to refactor it, as opposed to N tasks to refactor code in N hosts.
> Originally, I didn’t want to make Charmonizer a hard requirement but I’m
> willing to give that up, at least for now.

I hear you.  As Charmonizer has expanded a bit, I've been reminded of the old
Larry Wall chestnut, "It's easier to port a shell than a shell script."

What's more important than Charmonizer's implementation are satisfying the
requirements of not imposing any prerequisites (e.g. Unix shell) to run
configuration probing of a C compilation environment, nor any build tool
outside of what the host language environment provides.  But I figure that
means for the time being, it's impractical to work with anything except
bundle-able, portable Charmonizer.

>> I would say tests in a separate binary.  For example, under the Perl bindings
>> the core tests for Lucy would be run from a separate XS module (Lucy::CFTest?
>> LucyCFTest? CFTest?) which has a dependency on the main Lucy XS module.
> Maybe we should keep the Lucy::Test convention?

After a bit of reflection: +1

I think that means also that *::Test is reserved for any Clownfish parcel.

Marvin Humphrey

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