Github user iyerr3 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/ports/postgres/modules/convex/mlp_igd.py_in ---
    @@ -796,14 +807,34 @@ def mlp_predict(schema_madlib,
             # if not grouping, then directly read out the coeff, mean
             # and std values from the model and standardization tables.
    -        standardization = plpy.execute(
    -            "SELECT * FROM {0}".format(standardization_table))[0]
    +        # Fix to ensure that 1.12 models run on 1.13 or higher.
    +        # As a result of adding grouping support in 1.13, the following 
    +        # was also made wrt standardization. The x_mean and x_std
    +        # values were stored in the summary table itself in MADlib 1.12, 
    +        # they were named as: x_means and x_stds.
    +        # From MADlib 1.13 onwards, these parameters were moved to the
    +        # _standardization table, and were renamed to mean and std.
    +        if is_v112_model:
    --- End diff --
    I feel we can simplify by creating two SQL strings and avoid all the 
    if pre_113:  
        SELECT x_means as mean, x_stds as std FROM {summary_table}
        SELECT mean, std FROM {standardization_table}


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