Github user njayaram2 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: src/madpack/ ---
    @@ -987,275 +1276,42 @@ def main(argv):
                 error_(this, "Missing -p/--platform parameter.", True)
             if not con_args:
                 error_(this, "Unknown problem with database connection string: 
%s" % con_args, True)
    +    # ---------------- Completed "Get and validate arguments" 
         # COMMAND: version
         if args.command[0] == 'version':
             _print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
    -    # COMMAND: uninstall/reinstall
    -    if args.command[0] in ('uninstall', 'reinstall'):
    -        if get_rev_num(dbrev) == [0]:
    -            info_(this, "Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema 
%s." % schema.upper(), True)
    -            return
    -        # Find any potential data to lose
    -        affected_objects = _internal_run_query("""
    -            SELECT
    -                n1.nspname AS schema,
    -                relname AS relation,
    -                attname AS column,
    -                typname AS type
    -            FROM
    -                pg_attribute a,
    -                pg_class c,
    -                pg_type t,
    -                pg_namespace n,
    -                pg_namespace n1
    -            WHERE
    -                n.nspname = '%s'
    -                AND t.typnamespace = n.oid
    -                AND a.atttypid = t.oid
    -                AND c.oid = a.attrelid
    -                AND c.relnamespace = n1.oid
    -                AND c.relkind = 'r'
    -            ORDER BY
    -                n1.nspname, relname, attname, typname""" % schema.lower(), 
    -        info_(this, "*** Uninstalling MADlib ***", True)
    -        info_(this, 
    -        info_(this, "* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it 
will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True)
    -        if affected_objects:
    -            info_(this, "* If you continue the following data will be lost 
(schema : table.column : type):", True)
    -            for ao in affected_objects:
    -                info_(this, '* - ' + ao['schema'] + ' : ' + ao['relation'] 
+ '.' +
    -                      ao['column'] + ' : ' + ao['type'], True)
    -        info_(this, 
    -        info_(this, "Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True)
    -        go = raw_input('>>> ').upper()
    -        while go != 'Y' and go != 'N':
    -            go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper()
    -        # 2) Do the uninstall/drop
    -        if go == 'N':
    -            info_(this, 'No problem. Nothing dropped.', True)
    -            return
    -        elif go == 'Y':
    -            info_(this, "> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose)
    -            try:
    -                _internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema), 
    -            except:
    -                error_(this, "Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), 
    -            info_(this, 'Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been 
dropped.' % schema.upper(), True)
    -            info_(this, 'MADlib uninstalled successfully.', True)
    -        else:
    -            return
    -    # COMMAND: install/reinstall
    -    if args.command[0] in ('install', 'reinstall'):
    -        # Refresh MADlib version in DB, None for GP/PG
    -        if args.command[0] == 'reinstall':
    -            print "Setting MADlib database version to be None for 
    -            dbrev = None
    -        info_(this, "*** Installing MADlib ***", True)
    -        # 1) Compare OS and DB versions.
    -        # noop if OS <= DB.
    -        _print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
    -        if is_rev_gte(get_rev_num(dbrev), get_rev_num(rev)):
    -            info_(this, "Current MADlib version already up to date.", True)
    -            return
    -        # proceed to create objects if nothing installed in DB
    -        elif dbrev is None:
    -            pass
    -        # error and refer to upgrade if OS > DB
    -        else:
    -            error_(this, """Aborting installation: existing MADlib version 
detected in {0} schema
    -                    To upgrade the {0} schema to MADlib v{1} please run 
the following command:
    -                    madpack upgrade -s {0} -p {2} [-c ...]
    -                    """.format(schema, rev, portid), True)
    -        # 2) Run installation
    -        try:
    -            _plpy_check(py_min_ver)
    -            _db_install(schema, dbrev, args.testcase)
    -        except:
    -            error_(this, "MADlib installation failed.", True)
    -    # COMMAND: upgrade
    -    if args.command[0] in ('upgrade', 'update'):
    -        info_(this, "*** Upgrading MADlib ***", True)
    -        dbrev = get_madlib_dbrev(con_args, schema)
    -        # 1) Check DB version. If None, nothing to upgrade.
    -        if not dbrev:
    -            info_(this, "MADlib is not installed in {schema} schema and 
there "
    -                  "is nothing to upgrade. Please use install "
    -                  "instead.".format(schema=schema.upper()),
    -                  True)
    -            return
    -        # 2) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB.
    -        _print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
    -        if is_rev_gte(get_rev_num(dbrev), get_rev_num(rev)):
    -            info_(this, "Current MADlib version is already up-to-date.", 
    -            return
    -        if float('.'.join(dbrev.split('.')[0:2])) < 1.0:
    -            info_(this, "The version gap is too large, upgrade is 
supported only for "
    -                  "packages greater than or equal to v1.0.", True)
    -            return
    -        # 3) Run upgrade
    -        try:
    -            _plpy_check(py_min_ver)
    -            _db_upgrade(schema, dbrev)
    -        except Exception as e:
    -            # Uncomment the following lines when debugging
    -            print "Exception: " + str(e)
    -            print sys.exc_info()
    -            traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
    -            error_(this, "MADlib upgrade failed.", True)
         # COMMAND: install-check
         if args.command[0] == 'install-check':
    -        # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB.
    -        if get_rev_num(dbrev) != get_rev_num(rev):
    -            _print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema)
    -            info_(this, "Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", 
    -            return
    -        # Create install-check user
    -        test_user = ('madlib_' +
    -                     rev.replace('.', '').replace('-', '_') +
    -                     '_installcheck')
    +        run_install_check(locals(), args.testcase)
    +    else:
    -            _internal_run_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), 
    +            is_schema_in_db = _internal_run_query("SELECT schema_name FROM 
information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name='%s';" % schema, True)
    -            _internal_run_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), 
    -            _internal_run_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), 
    -        _internal_run_query("CREATE USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
    -        _internal_run_query("GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" % (schema, 
test_user), True)
    -        # 2) Run test SQLs
    -        info_(this, "> Running test scripts for:", verbose)
    -        caseset = (set([test.strip() for test in args.testcase.split(',')])
    -                   if args.testcase != "" else set())
    -        modset = {}
    -        for case in caseset:
    -            if case.find('/') > -1:
    -                [mod, algo] = case.split('/')
    -                if mod not in modset:
    -                    modset[mod] = []
    -                if algo not in modset[mod]:
    -                    modset[mod].append(algo)
    -            else:
    -                modset[case] = []
    -        # Loop through all modules
    -        for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']:
    -            # Get module name
    -            module = moduleinfo['name']
    -            # Skip if doesn't meet specified modules
    -            if modset is not None and len(modset) > 0 and module not in 
    -                continue
    -            # JIRA: MADLIB-1078 fix
    -            # Skip pmml during install-check (when run without the -t 
    -            # We can still run install-check on pmml with '-t' option.
    -            if not modset and module in ['pmml']:
    -                continue
    -            info_(this, "> - %s" % module, verbose)
    -            # Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist)
    -            cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + '/' + module + '/test'  # tmpdir is a 
global variable
    -            _make_dir(cur_tmpdir)
    -            # Find the Python module dir (platform specific or generic)
    -            if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + 
"/modules/" + module):
    -                maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver 
+ "/modules"
    +            error_(this, "Cannot validate if schema already exists.", True)
    +        output_filename = tmpdir + 
    +        upgrade = False
    +        return_val = create_install_madlib_sqlfile(locals(), 
args.command[0], args.testcase)
    +        if return_val == 0:
    +            info_(this, "Installing MADlib modules...", True)
    +            _cleanup_comments_in_sqlfile(output_filename, upgrade)
    +            result = _run_sql_file(schema, output_filename)
    +            if result == 'FAIL':
    +                info_(this, "MADlib {0} 
unsuccessful.".format(args.command[0]), True)
    -                maddir_mod_py = maddir + "/modules"
    -            # Find the SQL module dir (platform specific or generic)
    -            if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + 
    -                maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules"
    -            else:
    -                maddir_mod_sql = maddir + "/modules"
    -            # Prepare test schema
    -            test_schema = "madlib_installcheck_%s" % (module)
    -            _internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE; CREATE 
SCHEMA %s;" %
    -                                (test_schema, test_schema), True)
    -            _internal_run_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" %
    -                                (test_schema, test_user), True)
    -            # Switch to test user and prepare the search_path
    -            pre_sql = '-- Switch to test user:\n' \
    -                      'SET ROLE %s;\n' \
    -                      '-- Set SEARCH_PATH for install-check:\n' \
    -                      'SET search_path=%s,%s;\n' \
    -                      % (test_user, test_schema, schema)
    -            # Loop through all test SQL files for this module
    -            sql_files = maddir_mod_sql + '/' + module + '/test/*.sql_in'
    -            for sqlfile in sorted(glob.glob(sql_files), reverse=True):
    -                algoname = os.path.basename(sqlfile).split('.')[0]
    -                # run only algo specified
    -                if (module in modset and modset[module] and
    -                        algoname not in modset[module]):
    -                    continue
    -                # Set file names
    -                tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + 
    -                logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + 
    -                # If there is no problem with the SQL file
    -                milliseconds = 0
    -                # Run the SQL
    -                run_start =
    -                retval = _run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod_py, module,
    -                                       sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql)
    -                # Runtime evaluation
    -                run_end =
    -                milliseconds = round((run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000 +
    -                                     (run_end - run_start).microseconds / 
    -                # Check the exit status
    -                if retval != 0:
    -                    result = 'FAIL'
    -                    keeplogs = True
    -                # Since every single statement in the test file gets 
    -                # an empty log file indicates an empty or a failed test
    -                elif os.path.isfile(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) 
> 0:
    -                    result = 'PASS'
    -                # Otherwise
    -                else:
    -                    result = 'ERROR'
    -                # Output result
    -                print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + \
    -                    "|" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + "|" + result + \
    -                    "|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds)
    -                if result == 'FAIL':
    -                    error_(this, "Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False)
    -                    error_(this, "Check the log at %s" % logfile, False)
    -            # Cleanup test schema for the module
    -            _internal_run_query("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE;" % 
(test_schema), True)
    -        # Drop install-check user
    -        _internal_run_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), 
    -        _internal_run_query("DROP USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
    +                if args.command[0] != 'uninstall':
    +                    if args.command[0] == 'upgrade':
    +                        info_(this, "MADlib %s upgraded successfully in %s 
schema." % (str(rev), schema.upper()), True)
    +                    else:
    +                        info_(this, "> Created %s schema" % 
schema.upper(), True)
    --- End diff --
    Removed `upper()` function calls.


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