Please join us Thursday, Aug 1 at 1100 PDT for the MADlib Community call.
We'll look into the new release which supports Keras with TensorFlow
backend and GPU acceleration, and even walk through a demo!

Highlights of the MADlib 1.16 release:

New features:
    - Deep learning: support for Keras with TensorFlow backend with GPU
    - acceleration
    - Deep learning: utility to load model architectures and weights
    - Deep learning: preprocess images for gradient descent optimization
    - kd-tree method for k-nearest neighbors for faster approximate
    - Support for Greenplum 6
    - Support for Postgres 11

The call will also be recorded and uploaded to YouTube for off-line
viewing.  A link will be sent out after the call.

Bob Glithero | Data Product Marketing
Pivotal, Inc. | m: 415.483.5220

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