Hello again,

I hope most of you had the time to read through the previous mail. It would
mean a lot if you could answer (in partial at least) the above questions.


On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 5:17 AM, Aditya <adityasarma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've been talking with Trevor over email and he shared some documents with
> me. They contained content that he (along with a few others) were
> developing to make Mahout easily accessible to newbies like myself.
> I've gone through the planned blog posts titled "Why Mahout", "Getting
> Started with Mahout", "Algorithms Framework" and "Building Apache Mahout
> from Source" and I have to say, I've got a lot of questions. Since Trevor
> is on vacation and the deadline for final proposal submission is fast
> approaching, I thought I'll post my questions on the dev forum.
> So here goes the big list of my questions. I hope of those of you who were
> / are involved in the development of these blog posts will be able to help
> me. Some of the questions are vague / abstract, I suggest you answer them
> as if you're explaining it to a layman.
> 1. Could you elaborate to me the high-level structure of Mahout?
> 2. What are the plans in pipeline for Mahout's development in the months
> to come?
> 3. How does contribution of a new algorithm work in Mahout? When I was
> reading the doc "Getting Started with Mahout" the example implemented the
> Ordinary Least Squares Regression in Samsara, Mahout's DSL.
> I had something different in my mind before reading the blog posts. I had
> thought that I would be contributing the distributed algorithm to Mahout
> from scratch, written in Scala and make it available as a package (which
> users can import and use) to users who use Mahout.
> 4. In general, is there a plan to contribute the algorithms in future
> using Samsara only? If so, what will be the limitations and advantages of
> this decision? I mean, the algorithms that will be a part of Mahout in the
> future, is there a plan to write all of them in Samsara.
> 5. What are the building blocks of Mahout that enable the distributed
> processing? The blog post mentions the Distributed Row Matrix. Are there
> any other distributed data structures available? If not, won't the
> algorithms that can be a part of the Mahout framework in the future become
> limited? Meaning, algorithms that cannot be reduced to a Linear Algebra
> problem?
> 6. What is expected of a newbie in the community? What is the learning
> curve to become an active contributor to Mahout? Are there any specific
> books / blog posts that I can read that will make the process easier?
> 7. Also, if you could give me some background as to how the development of
> Mahout has been going on. Not the motivation / inspiration that led to
> Mahout's conception but something like, what work has gone on between the
> previous release and the current release candidate.
> 8. What was the high level motivation of developing Mahout's own DSL,
> Samsara?
> Regards,
> Aditya

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