Thanks for trying this.

Just as a check I increased the number of documents that will be
requested on the connector side to 10000.  If you synch up trunk and
try again, it should give me an idea whether the failing logic is on
the connector side or the server side.  (I suspect it is still the
server side, which means that SharePoint's pagination is not working,
but let's confirm that.)


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Ahmet Arslan <> wrote:
>> I checked in a fix for the pagination
>> issue in
>> integration/sharepoint-2010/trunk.  Care to build the
>> plugin, deploy
>> it, and let me know if it works now?
> Hi,
> svnversion 1381729 still index 1000 docs.
> Documents: 1002
> Active: 0
> Processed: 1002
> Ahmet

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