On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Maciej Liżewski
<maciej.lizew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Who is allowed to create branch (any contributor or just manifold team)?

Just committers.

> If any contributor, then what is the recommendation for creating branches:
> whole trunk copy or just single connector directory if changes are only in
> this single connector?

You always need to create a whole copy of trunk.  svn is very
efficient about copies so this is not a problem.


> 2012/10/17 Karl Wright <daddy...@gmail.com>
>> Hi Maciej,
>> First advice is to post questions of this kind to
>> dev@manifoldcf.apache.org.  This functions in part as a repository of
>> general knowledge, and it is searchable, so in the future others can
>> maybe refer to answers there.
>> Please see below for detailed answers.
>> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Maciej Liżewski
>> <maciej.lizew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > thanks for information. Could you point me some instructions on how to
>> > work with your SVN repo:
>> > 1. do all changes require Jira issue reference?
>> > 2. I understand there are no commits to trunk - what is the policy of
>> > creating new branches?
>> >
>> Any but the most minor non-functional changes should have a JIRA
>> ticket.  Small changes can, however, be committed to trunk.  For
>> anything larger, especially if you might want others to review the
>> change or others to contribute to the work, should have a branch
>> created.
>> The branch is usually named for the ticket, e.g.
>> branches/CONNECTORS-xxx.  This keeps things simple.
>> > For example - I have some improvements to LDAP connector (better group
>> > searching, support for DN and attribute filtering, etc.) - how should
>> > I process those changes? I would say it should something similar to:
>> > 1. create issue with change description
>> > 2. create branch referring to this issue
>> > 3. commit changes to branch
>> > 4. let you know there are changes to merge to trunk :)
>> >
>> > is above process correct? if whole process is described somewhere just
>> > point me to the right resources. If there are some unwritten policies
>> > also please send such info to me. TIA
>> >
>> The procedure is largely correct.  You can, of course, commit to the
>> branch multiple times, and ask for others in the community to review
>> your changes too, before it is merged to trunk.  Usually someone will
>> check things over and remark about what still needs to be done before
>> a branch is merged.  For instance, modifying the tests (or adding a
>> test where there is none), where feasible, is a good idea if you are
>> significantly modifying a connector.  But once it is agreed that the
>> change looks good, you can go ahead and merge it yourself.
>> While I've taken the time to write up the release process (it's on the
>> wiki), unfortunately the development process has no real
>> documentation.  I have no objection if you would like to create a Wiki
>> page for this.
>> Thanks,
>> Karl

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