Hi all,

The current Searchblox connector uses Resteasy, which has an embedded (and
not package-forked) version of javax.ws.rs-api embedded in one of its jars
(jaxrs-api-3.0.8.Final.jar).  This basically breaks the build since Tika
1.12 has a subdependency on javax.ws.rs-api.jar version 2.0.1, which is not
apparently compatible with whatever javax api code that resteasy packaged

Because of this, we're going to need to redevelop the Searchblox connector,
or at least perform major surgery on it.  It's possible that later versions
of Resteasy use a more modern api spec -- but still we will need to work on
the connector.

The work so far is in branches/CONNECTORS-1308.  You can show the problem

ant make-core-deps
ant build

Any ideas?

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