Hi All,

I am trying to run multi-process zookeeper process inside a docker
Do we need to follow all steps to run multi process:-

   1.  *runzookeeper[.sh|.bat]* script)
   2.  *setglobalproperties[.sh|.bat]*)
   3. *start-database[.sh|.bat]*)
   4.  *initialize[.sh|.bat]*)
   5.  *start-agents[.sh|.bat]*, and optionally *start-agents-2[.sh|.bat]*)
   6. *start-webapps[.sh|.bat]*)

Is there any single command to run multi process ,as inside dockerfile we
can configure one command to start up.
I have tried the approach to create a single sh/jar file that is calling
all the required(mentioned above) sh files. but its getting the conatiner
in restart mode.(every 1,2 minutes)
Has any body tried the approach to configure multi process environment
inside docker container.

Also i manually followed the path and started runzookeeper.sh file inside
docker container but its not progressing after:-
main] INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory - binding to

Can anybody suggest on how to proceed.

Thanks and regards

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