Here's the wiki page covering Maven 4:


On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Alexander Kriegisch <> wrote:

> Dear developers,
> I guess at least since 2008 Jason had the idea to implement Maven mixins,
> i.e. a kind of include mechanism in order for users to be able to
> encapsulate sets of dependencies (not just their version numbers as with
> import-scoped BoMs) and re-use them throughout modules or even across
> projects. This is something I (and probably many others) have been waiting
> for desperately because via inheritance you can only have one aspect
> covered, but not multiple ones. Comparing to single inheritance in OOP, in
> order to cleanly encapsulate secondary (even cross-cutting) concerns there
> are powerful concepts like AOP (I love to use AspectJ for that matter) or
> simpler ones like mixins. I think mixins would suffice for Maven and
> massively support DRY (don't repeat yourself), thus making it much easier
> to keep Maven configurations cleaner and more maintainable.
> Having said that, I know it is always easier to ask for something than to
> just implement it by myself (which I am uncapable of because I have never
> touched or even seen the Maven code base). So, humbly and with all due
> respect to you as a newbie on this list, I am asking if mixins are still on
> the development agenda and if the feature has a rather low or high priority.
> With kind regards
> --
> Alexander Kriegisch
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