Classloader isolation is not specific to Guice.  Something must be going on if 
you get incompatible guava version when using maven 3.0+. This is why I 
recommend setting up a standalone example to investigate what it is.

On October 3, 2014 4:57:57 PM EDT, Christofer Dutz <> 
>Hi Igor,
>well I currently don't have a small example ... Flexmojos as the Pluin
>is a pretty large beast and Falcon isn't a trivial example.
>But I have been investigating this problem a little more and eventually
>the problems comes from how Flexmojos is built.
>Currently the plugin is built using the same mechanisms used in Maven
>3.0 and hereby relying heavily on Plexus. It seems a guice migration
>layer had been added but the whole thing seems to be built and running
>in some sort of compatability mode. Eventually I should rewrite
>Flexmojos to guice and more modern maven versions (I am having a quite
>some trouble with Maven versions greater than 3.1)
>But if you say that even if Maven comes with one version, a plugin
>should be able to work with another, then that's good enough for me,
>I'll start migrating Flexmojos.
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Igor Fedorenko [] 
>Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014 21:59
>Betreff: Re: Version conflicts with guava library
>What version of Maven do you use? Can you provide a small standalone
>example that demonstrate the problem? Like a sample plugin with a
>trivial demo project, for example.
>Generally, each Maven plugin runs in its own classloader with only
>subset of Maven core classes available to it. Guava is not part of that
>subset and plugins should be able to use whatever version of Guava they
>On 2014-10-03, 15:46, Christofer Dutz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently working on a plugin for the Apache Flex compiler
>Falcon. This uses Guava in a version above 15.
>> Now maven seems to come with a Guava version ... 0.9.9 for Maven
>3.0.x, something about 11 for 3.1 and above.
>> The problem is that from version 15 on there was an API change Falcon
>depends upon. No matter what I tried, I always get an error during
>runtime that:
>> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
>> cheLoader;)Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache;
>> Because till version 15 the return type was Cache and not
>> Now to my question ... if I use a library that Maven itself comes
>with ... is there a way to use that version? Currently it seems I would
>require my users to update to Maven 3.2.x which will definitely make
>some pretty unhappy.
>> Chris
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