
we've been asked to give our opinion on the JEP 238: Multi-Version JAR Files

Here's a quote from Rory O'Donnels e-mail:
It's goal is to extend the JAR file format to allow multiple, JDK release-specific versions of class files to coexist in a single file. An additional goal is to backport the run-time changes to JDK 8u60, thereby enabling JDK 8 to consume multi-version JARs. For a detailed discussion,
 please see the corresponding thread on the core-libs-dev mailing list. [1]

Please keep in mind that a JEP in the Candidate state is merely an idea worthy of consideration by JDK Release Projects and related efforts; there is no commitment that it will be delivered in
 any particular release.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome on the corelibs-dev mailing list. (If you haven’t already subscribed to that list then please do so first, otherwise your message will be
 discarded as spam.)

 [0] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/238
[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2015-February/031461.html


IIUC the original request was to have different version of the same class within the same artifact. On the mailinglist I noticed a more interesting idea: you need a mechanism to map Classes, Methods or Fields from one version to the other.

From a Maven perspective I don't see that much issues with the original idea. You should already be able to do it right now with a lot of execution-blocks. However, I don't see how users would maintain different version of the same class (within an IDE).
To me this all looks quite complex for rare cases.
If you really want multiple JDK versions of the same artifact, I would probably split them into classified artifacts.

Any other comments?


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