Unfortunately, we may not use Assume in this testcase because it is
derived from PlexusTestcase and this one does fail on
AssumptionViolated as well. As a dirty workaround we could just return
when System.getenv("M2_HOME") is null.
Regards Mirko
https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/ (http://osrc.dfm.io/mfriedenhagen)

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Mirko Friedenhagen
<mfriedenha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> further inspection of the problem leads to a possible solution:
> - the shell script does retrieve M2_HOME, however, as it is not
> exported it is not available furtheron.
> - so a quick fix would be to export M2_HOME directly before invoking
> exec "$JAVACMD" ...
> - however this will not help with IDEs like Eclipse or Intellij which
> use their own code to invoke stuff.
> Regards Mirko
> --
> http://illegalstateexception.blogspot.com/
> https://github.com/mfriedenhagen/ (http://osrc.dfm.io/mfriedenhagen)
> https://bitbucket.org/mfriedenhagen/
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Mirko Friedenhagen
> <mfriedenha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Robert,
>> I see maven-shared-invoker was just released by you. I will take a look at
>> MSHARED-261, which at least has a suggestion for a fix.
>> Regards
>> Mirko
>> --
>> Sent from my mobile
>> On Mar 24, 2015 10:31 PM, "Robert Scholte" <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Mirko,
>>> This confirms why Karl Heinz had issues with the Maven Invoker 2.2 (take
>>> 1)
>>> On Windows there's no issue, the mvn.bat/mvn.cmd always sets M2_HOME if
>>> it's not there.
>>> We could add an AssumeThat-clause in this test as well...
>>> thanks,
>>> Robert
>>> Op Tue, 24 Mar 2015 22:16:59 +0100 schreef Mirko Friedenhagen
>>> <mfriedenha...@apache.org>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I just checked out the trunk (r1643023) and running "mvn clean verify"
>>>> does not succeed neither with Maven 3.0.5, Maven 3.2.5 nor with Maven
>>>> 3.3.1 (OS X 10.10.2, JDK 1.7.0_76):
>>>> The test
>>>> org.apache.maven.shared.release.exec.InvokerMavenExecutorTest#testEncryptSettings
>>>> is always failing with the following message from
>>>> /maven-invoker-2.1-sources.jar!/org/apache/maven/shared/invoker/MavenCommandLineBuilder.java:124
>>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Maven application directory was not
>>>> specified, and ${maven.home} is not provided in the system properties.
>>>> Please specify at least on of these.
>>>> When I set the M2_HOME variable on the command line manually, the tests
>>>> succeed.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Mirko
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