Am 2015-12-24 um 23:34 schrieb Michael Osipov:

as previously suggested, it makes sense to retire those skins because
they haven't been updated for a long time and we don't have the resources
to maintain them properly [1].

Last releases:
Maven Application Skin: 2012-01-18
Maven Classic Skin: 2012-01-18
Maven Stylus Skin: 2012-07-30

I therefore propose that we retire these skins.

If this vote is successful I will make one final release of the skin, making
it clear on the skin site that it has been retired. After that the source code
will be moved into the "retired" area in our Subversion repository.

Using Robert's wisdom: I won't push another release of those skins because nothing has been internally changed but only parent updates. I will add a retired area on the skins site just like for plugins and make the announcement.


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