
On 19/08/16 21:10, jieryn wrote:
That seems to be working, thank you!

I am seeing a huge amount of additional warnings at the start of the
build now, that is intentional I believe? Do we have a wiki or any
documentation about resolving these issues? For example, I'm seeing
this because I use Arquillian and their standard dependencyManagement
bom scope=import style.

Can you please post the warnings here and if you have an example project? So may be I need to add informations into the release notes...

So we can take a look ?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de> wrote:

can you please check here[1] for a current version of Maven 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT
and recheck your issues please...

And if the keep being there please report...

Many thanks for your help...

[1]: https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/Maven/job/maven-3.x/

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
On 19/08/16 05:11, jieryn wrote:

Sorry I am so late to this party.

I find that Apache Maven 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT
(90f26c279af9738735be8f84f60dcf21b6244e24; 2016-07-22T11:23:04-04:00)
prefers .mvn/maven.config options instead of specifically listed
parameters. This is surprising to me. I expect the .mvn/maven.config
options to be overriden by any actual parameters that I specify on the
command line.

Specifically, I am trying to override the maven.config --fail-at-end
via --fail-fast, and also --threads 2.0C with --threads 1. When I
invoke mvn, it seems the maven.config options are taken instead of my
local cli invocation. These have a bad effect on my invocation and
cause a lot of trouble. We do not check in our .mvn/maven.config, so I
can not simply rm -rf it and then check it out after... it's a pita,
and bad karma. Please examine it :) thank you.

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de>

Hi to all Maven users,

If you like to help making the next Maven release better it would be nice
you could help a little bit.

Please be aware of this *** This is not an official release ***

I have created downloadable packages which are available from here:

Windows: https://s.apache.org/vG4r
Linux/Mac: https://s.apache.org/FfRw

Every kind of feedback is helpful.

Important hint:

This is only a current state of development (Git hash:
90f26c279af9738735be8f84f60dcf21b6244e24) to get some feedback from the

The current list of changes can be seen in the issue tracker:


It would be nice if those who had found issues to retest their scenarios.

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