Am 09/24/16 um 17:33 schrieb Karl Heinz Marbaise:
> Hi Hervé,
> So I have marked the class as deprecated...
> But it implements an interface:
> public interface ArtifactVersion
>      extends Comparable<ArtifactVersion>
> which should be marked as deprecated as well in consequence of the 
> previous step (my opinion ?) WDYT ?
> So one more question:
> What about moving DefaultArtifactVersion to maven-compat module...and 
> replace it with a better implementation ?
> What might be done is to create an enhanced version of the interface and 
> make a better implemtation (based on ComparableVersion or make same 
> getters to get the parsed information from it...)

Maybe delegate to



to keep things consistent. There should only be one versioning
implementation used consistently everywhere. The resolver already
handles version ranges differently than the Maven artifact API, for
example. We already have two different artifact APIs and need to keep
these consistent.



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