Absolutely agreeing with Igor. And if you want to be able to build a single module of a multimodule without -am it is *your* responsibility to add the versions to those dependencies, so these are pulled from a repository.
That will still work, but will remove the safety belt (jigsaw(tm)?)


On Mon, 12 Dec 2016 23:23:51 +0100, Igor Fedorenko <i...@ifedorenko.com> wrote:

Disagree. I think in most if not all cases we build entire project, not just random part of a project.


On December 12, 2016 11:22:50 AM Christian Schulte <c...@schulte.it> wrote:

Am 12/12/16 um 10:16 schrieb Tibor Digana:
Is it really necessary to specify version of parent artifact in <parent/>?

It must be possible to checkout a single module and build that in
isolation. A parent without a version cannot be resolved from a
repository. Supporting that means you need to checkout the whole project
(can be very huge) just to be able to find the parent on disk.
Installing/deploying an artifact without version is impossible -
incomplete coordinates. So there needs to be a version as soon as an
artifact is to be installed or deployed.


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