Am 12/29/16 um 12:18 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
> I propose that we reset master back
> to 737de43e392fc15a0ce366db98d70aa18b3f6c03, with an analogous reset of
> master for the integration tests, and then immediately commit a dummy
> commit so that nobody accidentally does a fast-forward push.

+1 for the reset from me (committer) as long as this does not mean
current master is lost. So please create a branch of current master
before resetting it. There are a lof of issues that can go in unchanged

> Then we can cherry pick the changes that were on the old master that we
> want to have in 3.4.0

I will squash all my commits before picking them by issue. So there will
be only one commit in master for a given issue. And I will not do
anything like that until there is a clear and final list of issues to go
in. If you take a look at MNG-5971, I committed, then started a release
build on Jenkins and then asked the parties involved in MNG-5971 to
test. I am not sure anyone would have build the core himself from a
branch. So I am -1 for personal branches. Let master be the release
branch but please let there be a branch everyone working on the next
release can commit to so that things get tested during development as
much as possible. You can take the recent discussions on dev@ due to
3.4.0-SNAPSHOT as an example for what I mean. All discussions have led
to issues in JIRA. Personally I rate that something positive. Especially
if you take a look at how those issues may affect fundamental Maven design.


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