Am 02/08/17 um 21:01 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
> I think all the important stuff is merged. I'll take a final review through
> and then cut alpha-1
> We can still add stuff if necessary for an alpha-2 but I'd much prefer to
> focus that on shaking out bugs.
> Ideally we do at most 3 alpha's before soft-code-freeze and a beta (at
> which point it should only be serious bug fixes)
> Then we give the beta some soak and cut the release
> I toyed with spinning RCs but I'm thinking alpha and beta are better terms
> Thoughts?

Can we add the following issues to 3.5.0 as well? Branch name is
DEPMGMT-IMPORT. In the core repository and the IT repository. No changes
to existing ITs. Just additions.

Issue description says it all. Just adds missing features.

[MNG-4463] Dependency management import should support version ranges.
[MNG-5527] Dependency management import should support relocations.
[MNG-5600] Dependency management import should support exclusions.

We already agreed to this being part of 3.4.0. Shipping this with 3.5.0
instead of 3.5.1 makes sense as the issues qualify for a minor version
increment rather than a bugfix release.



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