Am 03/10/17 um 10:42 schrieb Robert Scholte:
> Having a closer look at this commit, I actually don't like the idea that  
> ModelResolver now supports versionRanges.
> IMO the version should always be specific *before* resolving the model.
> IIUC correctly this is required to supported version-ranges for managed  
> dependencies, and that is also something I wonder if we want that.
> Please let us reconsider this commit.

You do notice the parent resolution is part of that interface since
Maven 3.2.2? I just added the same logic for dependencies to support
version ranges in dependency management import declarations. Version
ranges are supported everywhere but dependency management _import_
declarations. We already agreed that this is a bug fix and this would
have been part of Maven 3.4.0, if we would not have dropped it due to
the resolver changes. MNG-4463 has been reported in JIRA 23/Nov/09
09:39! It's tiresome to discuss things committed in 2014 now. See the
'ModelResolver' interface from Maven 3.2.2. It already contains that
logic for 'Parent' model objects.


The new method in 3.5.0 for 'Dependency' model objects will only be used
to support version ranges in dependency management _import_ declarations
coming in 3.5.1.



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