Am 03/23/17 um 19:20 schrieb Christian Schulte:
> Am 03/23/17 um 10:08 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
>> Hervé do you think this ordering issue is serious enough to drop and run a
>> beta-2?
>> IMHO no as it is just a beta and we can add it as a known issue in the
>> release notes.
> Unrelated to this issue there has been another report regarding the
> launcher scripts: MNG-6191
> We maybe should do a -beta-2 before the final release with this fixed as
> well.
> Seems "readlink" does not support the "-f" option on OSX. Can someone
> with a OSX installation take a look please? The launcher scripts are in
> scope for 3.5.0.
> Regards,

This would not have happened with an OSX Jenkins build node, BTW.

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