The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven 
PDF Plugin, version 1.4
This plugin allows you to generate a PDF version of your project's 
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:
Release Notes - Maven PDF Plugin - Version 1.4

** Bug
    * [MPDF-47] - docDescriptors of other locales than default are ignored for 
pdf generation
    * [MPDF-59] - In "Table of Contents" the TOC itself is chapter 1, but not 
in the document
    * [MPDF-62] - PDF plugin doesn't work with doxia-module-markdown

** Improvement
    * [MPDF-48] - make PDF plugin run reports when used with Maven 3
    * [MPDF-74] - upgrade Doxia from 1.2 to 1.8
    * [MPDF-75] - Fluido Skin
    * [MPDF-76] - Maven Parent Version 27
    * [MPDF-77] - Remove limitations documentation for Maven 2.0.6
    * [MPDF-78] - Compatibility with doxia-module-docbook-simple 1.7
    * [MPDF-84] - display pdf generated file location

** Task
    * [MPDF-79] - Upgrade of plexus-interpolation to 1.24.
    * [MPDF-85] - switch to Git
-The Apache Maven team

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