On Wed, 10 Jan 2018 15:07:08 +0100, Andreas Sewe <s...@st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> wrote:

Fred Cooke wrote:
Re versions, I know the background on it, but it annoys me that maven can't handle 4 part versions, as sometimes it's handy to do a patch level
that deep. Lots of messed up software in the world :-)

The number of dots is not limited to 2 for a version. A version has some banned characters, but that's it. However, an ArtifactVersion[1] has some explicit/named segments (which I personally consider a bad choice in the past). This means there can be unexpected results when *comparing* versions. In general you won't hit such issues as long as you don't use version ranges. Assuming most won't use ranges, I can only think of possible issues with enforcer rules like requireUpperBoundDeps[2], but only when having 4 or more segments.


[1] https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.5.2/maven-artifact/apidocs/org/apache/maven/artifact/versioning/ArtifactVersion.html [2] https://maven.apache.org/enforcer/enforcer-rules/requireUpperBoundDeps.html

Are you sure that's still the case (the parts-restriction, not the
messiness of software ;-)?

At least the Maven Resolver uses a versioning scheme that's quite
flexible [1]. Not sure if the flexibility at this low level bubbles up
all the way to the top, though. Maybe one the Maven developers can chime in.

Format should be N[.N as many times as needed][optional hyphen and
qualifier of some sort] or something like that. Not hard limited to 1 2 or
3 parts.

AFAICT, that's what GenericVersionScheme does.

Hope this helps,



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