Hello, all!

I have an extension


that allows property-based profile activation based on an MVEL

My problem is that it works

$ mvn help:active-profiles validate
The following profiles are active:

 - foo_env-development (source: org.example.foo:foo:1.0.0)

when loaded via Maven's lib/ext directory or when specified on the
command line with "-Dmaven.ext.class.path=<path-to-extension-jars>", but
does *not* work

$ mvn help:active-profiles validate
The following profiles are active:


when loaded via a project's .mvn/extensions.xml file.

The extension hijacks the normal property activator like this

  @Component(role = ProfileActivator.class, hint = "property")
  public class AdvancedProfileActivator implements ProfileActivator {

and evaluates the property value as an MVEL expression if the property
name equals "mvel" or "mvel(" <properties-map-identifier> ")".

Does anyone know why it would work from Maven's lib/ext directory, but
not from a project's .mvn/extensions.xml file?  Or does anyone know how
to debug this?

Is it possible that the hijack doesn't work when loaded from a
project's .mvn/extensions.xml because the original profile activator is
found on the class path *before* the AdvancedProfileActivator of the
extension, but when the extension JAR is placed in Maven's lib/ext,
the AdvancedProfileActivator is found on the class path *before* the
original profile activator?  (Just a wild guess.)

The full source code of the extension's profile activator is at


To reproduce the problem, simply create a new Maven project directory
containing the following pom.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
          <value>(!isdef foo_env) || foo_env == "development"</value>

(The foo_env-development profile should activate if the foo_env property
(or system property) is not set or is set to the string "development".)

Create .mvn/extensions.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extensions xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/EXTENSIONS/1.0.0";

Run the following command:

$ mvn help:active-profiles validate

It should report that the foo_env-development profile is active (because
the foo_env property is not set), but it does not. :-(

I previously asked on the Maven User list


but did not receive any replies.

Thank you for your help!


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