I'mglad to see that PR build/merge discussed, it seems to have a good
potential value for many in simplifying it.

FWIW, at Eclipse Foundation, similar questions were faced and risks
identified. The result is that at the moment, all PRs from anyone can be
built on Eclipse infra without much visible restriction. The Foundation
might have extra guards under the hood but it's not something we developers
need to care about.
While this is probably unsafe, it's so far so good. We weren't warned by
the Foundation about malicious usage of this permissive access to build
AFAIK, there is no issue from developer POV about GitHub API rates limit.
I suggest the Apache infra team gets in touch with Eclipse Foundation one
to sort out whether similar configurations could be implemented in a
safe-enough way.

The GitHub PR builder plugin already has support for whitelisting users and
giving them ability to trigger a build from a non-whitelidsted contributor
with a single «test PR» comment or similar.
Then build progress and report are reported as expected.
And, again, TravisCI also does the same in a decent way, with the benefit
of worrying less about underlying infra and security, and only drawback of
being discoupled from a specific infra (is it really a drawback?)


Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE <https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/eclipse-packages/>
developer, for Red Hat Developers <https://developers.redhat.com/>

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