I wrote unit tests with scm mocked away [0].
But IT: I do not know how and what.
Cheers, Clemens
[0] https://github.com/apache/maven-release/pull/29/files#diff-bd93f43863e2917722a94ccc46af95a8

Am 17.07.2019 um 08:22 schrieb Olivier Lamy:
I understand it can be complicated to write such it which need some scm..
Maybe write a unit at least?

On Tue, 16 Jul 2019 at 05:20, Clemens Quoss <clem...@quoss.de> wrote:

Hi Olivier,
yeah, could do that.  Would be a great idea.  But i am stuck on what to
put into this IT:
RemoveScmTag does what the name suggests:  it uses maven-scm to remove
the tag during release:rollback.
In the unit tests maven-scm is mocked away and i think in the ITs of
maven-release maven-scm is out of scope, too.
Then there is not really much left to test there.
Maybe someone out there has a different opinion?  And we can discuss
this further in private mail?

Am 15.07.2019 um 02:12 schrieb Olivier Lamy:
I agree the name is a bit confusing...
maybe name the IT: MRELEASE-229-RemoveScmTagPhase?

On Sun, 14 Jul 2019 at 20:06, Clemens Quoss <clem...@quoss.de> wrote:

Hello everyone,

one more question regarding the name of the ITs in maven-release (or
maybe generally):

Seeing that the tests are named after the jira issues i am wondering if
that would be the right thing to do.

Shouldn't they be named after the functionality they are testing?

I for my part, being new to the whole thing, have provided a PR for
MRELEASE-229 (implementing RemoveScmTagPhase with some unit tests) [1].

Now i would like to see if there are IT for ScmTagPhase to help me in my

For goal prepare there seem to exist the following:


10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          completion-goals
17.02.2019  23:40    <DIR>          flat-multi-module
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          forked-basic
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          invoker-basic
10.07.2019  08:16               833 invoker.properties
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-128
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-156
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-161
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR> MRELEASE-161-dependencyManagement
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-420
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-483
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-533
10.07.2019  08:15    <DIR>          MRELEASE-571_M3
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          MRELEASE-618
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          MRELEASE-667
17.02.2019  23:40    <DIR>          MRELEASE-834
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          MRELEASE-966
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          MRELEASE-976
10.07.2019  08:16    <DIR>          regular-multi-module


Maybe one of the MRELEASE-... ITs does something with ScmTagPhase, maybe
not.  I will have to look into everyone of them to decide.

Would there be a test or tests named 'scm-tag-phase' or
'scm-tag-phase-MRELEASE-...' this would be of help, at least to me.

Or have I misunderstood some fundamental concept here?



[1] https://github.com/apache/maven-release/pull/29

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