On 28 Sep 2019, at 18:21, Hervé BOUTEMY wrote:

> I'll share shortly a discussion on a choice we need to do together to define 
> how to configure reproducible builds (property name and value/format of 
> current source-date-epoch defined in PoC)

Now that support for this has been released as part of the source/jar plugins, 
but not yet the release plugin, I whipped up this morning a quick plugin to use 
in the meantime:


Basically to be included in preparationGoals/completionGoals using the 
apply/clear goal in each.

So far based on very quick, rudimentary tests this seems to work well (altho 
I've not yet done it as part of a release, but using apply and then 
building/checking my jars.

I'd be keen on any feedback...

Interestingly, whilst the class files INSIDE the jar have the correct date, the 
jar this has todays - which makes sense, but I wonder if it shouldn't be the 
same time for one extra step of "the exact same output"...


"The ease with which a change can be implemented has no relevance at all to 
whether it is the right change for the (Java) Platform for all time." — 
Mark Reinhold.

Mark Derricutt

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