You must have different Java packages in Jar modules in order to have
regular JMPS modules.
One user of Maven reported a bug against IntelliJ IDEA that the IDE does
not understand src/test/java/
The only way on how to support one common Java package and two JPMS modules
too is to bundle src/target/classes and src/target/test-classes and merge
both module-info.class, but it is against the idea of Maven lifecycle and
it may be erroneous.

On Sun, Apr 25, 2021 at 8:47 AM Ralph Goers <>

> I am trying to convert Log4j 2 to be fully modularized and am running into
> problems with Log4j-core.  First, I have hit a couple of nasty bugs when
> compiling
> on MacOS that are reflected in
> <
>> and
> <
> Basically the compiler seems to be converting directory names that have a
> class with the same name in the same package to upper case.
> To combat this I am forced to compile without a during
> annotation processing and again with the
> To make matters worse, the log4j-api, log4j-plugins, and log4j-core
> modules all have test classes that need to be made available to downstream
> modules for
> testing. Prior to JPMS we just passed the test jars on, but since many of
> the unit tests need to use the same packages as the main source the test
> modules to be
> passed on had to be placed into their own “test” package and so had to be
> moved out from the rest of the unit test classes so they could be package
> in a valid
> module.
> As a result of this I had to convert my directory structure into
>     src/main/java/ main classes
>     src/main/java9/
>     src/test/java/ unit test classes &
>     src/test/java-test. Shared test classes
>     src/test/java-test9/
> and my build consists of:
> 1. Running Log4j’s annotation processor against the main classes without
> 2. Compiling Log4j’s main classes with
> 3. Compiling the separate test classes with its
> 4. Packaging these test classes into the tests jar.
> 5. Running Log4j’s annotation processor against the unit test classes.
> 6. Compiling the unit tests.
> But the build fails at step 5. If I do not include a in
> the unit tests I get failures due to milling modules because maven is
> setting the module
> path (presumably because the main classes have one). If I do include the
> then I run into the reported bugs and the compile fails
> with
> duplicate class errors. I’ve thought of trying to compile without
> but I have to create a valid JPMS module for the separate
> test classes so that
> has to be done before starting on the unit tests.
> The only way I can see to do this is to run the annotation processor
> without the module path but it seems the compiler plugin provides no option
> to do that.
> My next thought is to try using
> <
>> to perform the
> annotation processing and see if I have better luck.
> I should also add that these projects look like hell in Intellij as it has
> no idea how to resolve the second test directory.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on how this could be more easily
> accomplished?  I can’t imagine I am the only person who needs to create a
> valid test jar.
> Ralph

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