Might be helpful:

On Wed, 13 Oct 2021 at 12:10, Mickael Istria <mist...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> While I'm investigating into Maven code to allow re-using checksums of
> Maven artifacts when "p2-ifying" them with Tycho, I noticed only .md5 and
> .sha1 seems to be used by Wagon and then also noticed that Maven Central
> doesn't contain a "safe" digest signature either.
> In this world of supply chain attacks, it could be important to use
> stronger algorithms.
> Sure, there is PGP signature, but PGP is not intended to verify the
> transfer, it's more meant to allow delegating a trust decision from the
> artifact to the signer; using it to verify transfer seems overkill, so we'd
> rather avoid having to rely on it for transfer verification.
> I tried to look on Jira and couldn't see an issue that seems dedicated to
> this topic. As the concerns about md5 and sha1 are relatively old, I may
> have missed something.
> Is there an issue already open to move towards sha256 or should I create a
> new one?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse IDE <https://www.eclipse.org/eclipseide> developer, for Red Hat
> Developers <https://developers.redhat.com/>

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