Hello all,

As many library maintainers I want to use different java version for
sources and tests.
This is well supported by Maven itself with the separation of
source/testSource, target/testTarget, release/testRelease.
But unfortunately it still does not work inside IDEA [1] whereas it works
for quite a long time with gradle.
Would some core developers mind to upvote and comment the issue to try to
influence a bit Jetbrains activity on this issue?
Of course if some of you have some contacts at Jetbrains, pinging them
could also help.

With new JDK releases bringing new features more and more often, it
really starts to be a missing feature in a developper toolbox that is of
course not reduced to the build system.

Thank you all for your support.


[1]: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-85478

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