If I want to start testing maven v4.x is it the master branch or the mvn4
branch I need to build?
Or is there a guide I can look at with current/known issues or work arounds?

I've a few issues/features I would like to raise and see if I can do
patches for, mostly more profile options like for;
settings.xml profile support for servers and mirrors.
extensions.xml profile support for extensions.
profile activation based upon other profiles being active or disabled.

i.e. the com.soebes.maven.extensions:maven-buildtime-profiler is good to
look into high build times, but for day to day usage I don't want every
developer or cicd build with the extra overhead or verbose output. Just
want it on release builds or when a developer enables a specific profile.

Someone with a home office nexus so has a <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf> to their
own proxy, then whilst at a conference want to build they need to change
their default settings.xml to remove that mirror. I've 4 settings.xml
depending if home, travelling, in office or building from a maven staging
repo like maven-1731 (for surefire v3.0.0-M6).

All things just seam simpler switching different profiles.


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