Subject: [ANN] Maven Resources Plugin 3.3.0 released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Resources Plugin version 3.3.0.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Resources Plugin - Version 3.3.0

** Bug
* [MRESOURCES-237] - Resource plugin's handling of symbolic links changed in 3.0.x, broke existing behavior
    * [MRESOURCES-265] - Resource copying not using specified encoding
* [MRESOURCES-268] - java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 1
    * [MRESOURCES-269] - Symlinks cause copying resources to fail
* [MRESOURCES-273] - Filtering of Maven properties with long names is not working after transition from 2.6 to 3.2.0 * [MRESOURCES-275] - valid location for directory parameter is always required

** New Feature
* [MRESOURCES-250] - Add ability to flatten folder structure into target directory when copying resources

** Task
    * [MRESOURCES-277] - Update plugin (requires Maven 3.2.5+)
    * [MRESOURCES-283] - Require Java 8

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MRESOURCES-282] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 36
    * [MRESOURCES-286] - Upgrade Maven Filtering to 3.3.0


-The Apache Maven team

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