Am 2023-11-26 um 11:35 schrieb Konrad Windszus:
For me the blocker for Maven Site 2.x final and related plugins is mostly
IMHO this requires a fix in Doxia not in Fluido (because it has to work in a 
skin-agnostic way) but in the end what really matters is that the TOC macro 
works at all (at least with Fluido, no matter who is generating the anchors).

Reading all the comments in the ticket it is not really clear where this is 
supposed to be fixed.
@Michael can you clarify in the comments?

I am inclined to just revert…
Would be great to make some progress here,

We suffer from this on our Maven Site currently (e.g. in 
where the TOC is broken) so a fix for this is quite urgent to me.

On 24. Nov 2023, at 22:11, Michael Osipov <> wrote:

Am 2023-11-23 um 21:59 schrieb Olivier Lamy:
How many Mxxx will we get? :)

Unfortunately, it took a look because it is a stack of components, then testing 
all reporting plugins. I hope that at most two will follow before GA.

Plase don't hijack votes. Exec has nothing to do with this issue. I still consider MSKINS-229 as invalid. I am not saying that Doxia should not generate ID by default, but not not in MSKINS. Raise the approapriate JIRA issues and we can discuss an acceptable solutions for everyone.


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