Am 2023-12-31 um 21:33 schrieb Maarten Mulders:
Here's (my) last vote of the year: +1

- Maarten

PS. I noticed that with this release, both Surefire and Failsafe start spitting out an extra message into the output that is not there in 3.2.3:

[INFO] --- surefire:3.2.4:test (default-test) @ marky ---
[INFO] Using auto detected provider org.apache.maven.surefire.junitplatform.JUnitPlatformProvider
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
ShellCommandline: [/bin/sh, -c, cd '<working-directory>' && '<path-to-java-executable>' '-jar' '<working-directory>/target/surefire/surefirebooter-20231231212637775_3.jar' '<working-directory>/target/surefire' '2023-12-31T21-26-37_700-jvmRun1' 'surefire-20231231212637775_1tmp' 'surefire_0-20231231212637775_2tmp']

I'm not really happy with this - I prefer my build logs to be short & sweet and I feel this adds noise. But I do not consider it a reason to cast a negative vote.

Thanks for testing..I had this temporary code while analyzing SUREFIRE-2225. Can you while local repo and try over? I am currently checking whether I have messed up the release.


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