The commit you linked contains a test for "1.0-SNAPSHOT", a valid version 
string according to Java's module descriptor version schema as defined here:

"HEAD-SNAPSHOT" fails due to it doesn't start with a number.

Maybe a check via ModuleDescriptor.Version::parse(String v) should guard the 
lines you linked.


On 2024/03/06 06:46:27 Sam Gammon wrote:
> Hello Maven devs,
> Longtime user, first time mailing list subscriber.
> I was attempting to convert some Java libraries to JPMS modules today, and 
> ran into a compiler issue with Maven version 3.8.1 and above; this deals with 
> the --module-version​ flag.
> Maven sets the module version to the project's version, which is sensible for 
> release versions. But during development, many projects use a string version 
> convention like HEAD-SNAPSHOT​, or 1.0-SNAPSHOT​, and these are not valid 
> values for --module-version​.
> To make matters worse, it appears this behavior is 
> unconditional<>.
>  For now, I've resorted to building a JPMS module in another project, or 
> making it available in a pre-built JAR, and then merging it in at the last 
> minute, so that Maven is effectively unaware of it. This is not ideal though 
> and I can't possibly see how this scheme could work in the presence of string 
> versions which are quite popular.
> Is there a way to circumvent this behavior that I'm not seeing? Has anyone 
> else run into this issue?
> FWIW, the library I am converting at the moment is Guava. While the direct 
> impact of this bug (if indeed it is a bug) is small, the indirect impact may 
> be quite large in terms of holding the JPMS ecosystem back. If there are 
> libraries out there that can't ship a​ because of a version 
> alignment/build issue, it would explain maybe why so few libraries ship with 
> module descriptors.
> I would be happy to propose a PR on GitHub with a fix, but I wanted to ask 
> first and request access to file a formal bug / give time for discussion.
> Cheers and thank you everyone here for your hard work on Maven,
> Sam

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